PowerPoint presentation
by the book author
Helmar Neubacher!

PowerPoint presentation by the book author Helmar Neubacher from Westerland


The Great Pyramid of Giza is the biggest of all pyramids and counts to the Seven Wonders of the World. Many mysteries and theories, especially concerning the method of its construction, revolve around it. How was it possible for the ancient Egyptians some 4,500 years ago to create such an architectural feat?
– to transport, lift and put in place more than 6 million tons of stone?

Those interested will hear which role the water of the Nile and the power of levers could have played in ancient Egypt, and why it is adequate to closely examine the present theories on the building of the pyramid. For years already Helmar Neubacher, who had spent years at see, has dedicated his time to the history, land and legends on this topic and has already published three books on the subject. The presentation supplemented with descriptive model material.

An informative PowerPoint presentation including an own theory on the colossal building held by the Graduate Engineer for Marine Engineering Helmar Neubacher on

Author Helmar Neubacher, Jahrgang 1940

Thursday the 29th of
March 2018, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday the 17th of
May 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Conference room "Alte Post"
25980 Westerland
PowerPoint presentation does not take place!

Tickets at the Box office 6 €

Who owns the "NEFERTITI"?
"Tutankhamen" as an object of exchange?

Recently I watched a television programme on the subject of "Nefertiti". Having been announced weeks before, I was really curious about what would be offered to the viewer. Summarized, a complete disappointment: very short, without any substance. Not even the unctuous words of a lady Egyptologist changed anything.

The thrilling question of the find in 1912 in the desert sand by Ludwig Borchert, the facts of the then transference to the German scientist and the disputes of recent years as to the ownership and possession remained unmentioned. In the past, again and again the interest of the public flared up at the thrilling subject of "Nefertiti", whenever the Egyptian scientist Dr.Zahi Hawass demanded of Germany the return of the famous bust. What drives the probably most famous Egyptologist to express such an objectionable request, many people asked.

After all, Dr.Hawass isn´t just anybody, but for many years had been "Lord of all Things" and thus responsible for the Egyptian pyramids and all antiquities of his country. This was valid until he turned to politics. The result is well known: He didn´t become Secretary of Education but lost, like his friend Mubarak, all functions and privileges. How did the powerful Secretary General turn to demanding the return of the "Nefertiti"; after all, the valuable object hadn´t been in the possession of the Egyptians for more than a hundred years and is generally seen today as the possession of the 80-million-people of Germans. Was it unfulfilled zest for action, desire of recognition or even pomposity of the, frequently described as being quite overbearing, Egyptian doctor in the demands he stated? Or is it with Dr.Hawass, just like with everyone else, when an unfulfilled yearning takes hold of everything that one had once possessed and loved? You will, dear reader, understand the yearning of Dr.Hawass , when I tell you this little story:

When in the year 2008 I expressed the wish to be permitted to take a few photos in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, I was, after several unsuccessful attempts, instructed by the registry and directorate of the museum that only Dr.Hawass could give the photo permission. Perforce I had to thus make my way to the feared-by-all top custodian of all Egyptian treasures. So one morning I stood all alone in front of the steps that led into the sacred office rooms of the "Almighty". After an exciting trip by taxi through a nearly traffic light void Cairo, I briefly halted at the first step of the stairs, but then gathered all my courage and pounded up the steep stairs. Then I was left with amazement and thoughtfulness as my eyes fell on the magnificent bust of "Nefertiti", a true to the original copy of the genuine one in Berlin. The queen of all queens beamed at me from a cabinet at a distance of some thirteen metres. This effigy, object of a famous, transnational quarrel, I really hadn´t expected. My foot hesitated, my breath accelerated, because at once it struck me that this picture has its daily effect on the famous doctor every time he enters his office. From time to time his stride may slow down and his thoughts may revolve around the genuine "Nefertiti" in far away Berlin. Suddenly I understood that at this sight, each and every time a deep pain takes hold of the doctor´s heart.

A short information for the reader: I did get the photo permit, even though the doctor´s secretary assumed that my chances would amount to about zero. But strangely enough, this story took an entirely different turn of events for me. Suddenly there stood beside this gruff secretary a young Egyptian lady, beamed at me and asked in perfect German: "What then is your profession, sir?" As an answer I merely managed to stammer "Technical Instructor". "So you are a teacher, and you would be needing the photos for your students?" "Ah,ah" I stammered, but the young lady gave me no opportunity to set things right and explain that I was going to use the photos for my books on the construction of Egyptian pyramids. The young lady turned on her heel and stormed into her boss´s office, returned after 30 seconds with the permit of my photo application and said good bye with the words:" All the best to you, Mr.Neubacher, and a lot of success in the museum." With that I was left on my own without even having seen as much as the tip of the nose of the famous Egyptologist Dr. Hawass.

That especially for me, a whole department of the National Museum was closed to the public I probably needn´t to mention — as well as the two employees that were deployed at my disposal. I thank them still today that they carefully measured out my photo objects with the help of huge ladders and measuring tapes. Thus you can see once again, what the sole signature of the "big ones" can mean for us "small ones"!

The bottom line of the story is the following idea

The Egyptian National Museum in Cairo leaves in exchange for the original bust of "Nefertiti" to the Egyptian Museum in Berlin one of the three gold-plated original coffins of the pharaoh Tutankhamen plus a gilt copy of the death mask of the famous child king, one of the model vessels from his tomb and including the copy of "Nefertiti" from the offices of Dr.Hawass.(1). The latter would have crowned his life´s work with the homecoming of "Nefertiti" and the Egyptian Museum Berlin would once again be owner of an equally valuable relic from the ancient wonderland of Egypt – as before.

With such an agreement between Egypt and Germany we would have set a small sign for international understanding and friendship between peoples in our tumultuous times. It may certainly seem a bit audacious, to connect to this the wish, that the current conflict in Egypt between the government and the opposition may be attenuated by this example of compromise and mutual agreement among peoples. The at this time probably unconciliatory leaders of both opposing parties may possibly react concerned, and then settle the seemingly insurmountable differences of opinion fraternally and friendly amongst Egyptian brothers.

(1) The completely made of gold inner coffin of the pharaoh can, of course, never be an exchange object, in order not to encroach the value of the complete ensemble and the unique funerary objects.

Helmar Neubacher, December 2012
Readers´ letters are very welcome
(The editorial office)

The following text as a radio play:

Queen Nefertiti

In his third book:

zum Bau der
Jahrtausende altes Mysterium gelüftet:
100.000 Mann - Hydrostatik - 230 Steinhebemaschinen"

Helmar Neubacher provides descriptions and explanations, but also conclusive statements about the phenomenon of water power on the plateau of Giza.

The author shows that 100,000 men, hydrostatics and 230 hoists, are not phrases but were parts of a comprehensive pyramid building technique.

A special core forms a stone-lifting-machine full-size, built according to the testimony of the historian Herodotus. With this machine a standard weight of 2.5 tons (according to those of King Khufu) were lifted within a short time by 101 cm and deposed.

The illustration shows this stone block (with "ears", 2 lifting beams, ropes). 2.800 kg are now ready to be lifted.

Then: About 6.500 kg at the lever beam - everything Stops, the 6.500 kg consist of the weight of the lifting-stone, the counterweight, the friction at the supports and the dead weight of the lever hoist the bar.

A fascinating technology with the result:

Light in the darkness encompassing the construction of pyramids!

gebaut mit den eigenen

published in September 2008

ISBN: 978-3-8370-6236-6
Language: German

Here you can order the first book online:
Order 2

published in April 2009

ISBN: 978-3-8370-2310-7
Language: German

Here you can order the second book online:
As eBook:

ISBN: 978-3732206421
Language: German

Order 3
Vermächtnis des Herodot
zum Bau der Cheops-

published in December 2010

ISBN: 978-3-8391-1486-5
Language: German

Here you can order the third book online:
As eBook:

ISBN: 978-3844876703
Language: German

From each copy sold, 25 %
of the author's royalties are
donated towards children in
danger of starvation.

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